Friday, September 28, 2012

If only...

If you only knew how much it tortures me to see you
hear you
in the other room.
Not being able to be with you when you are right there
because you find those things to be more important than me.

I read your old letters today.
Made me cry.
I remember how much you used to love me.
At least you said you did.

I wrote a letter today too.
It was to our baby.
I will always remember how much I love it, and wanted to.
Do you?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

fucking fucking games! No me time. fuck you. you get away from this place more than anyone else! Bullshit

damn video games

Why can't he just put down the video game for a bit to just cuddle with me? Every time he is home and has free time he uses it to play a video game. Just fuck... come on.